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What sensory problems may arise after amputation?


What sensory problems may arise after amputation?

Some car wrecks inflict such devastating injuries that a motorist or passenger ends up losing a body part. Should you undergo amputation, you will have challenges in recovering and regaining your quality of life. The removal of a foot, an arm or even a finger could create sensory problems.

Your doctors should explain the possible complications that may arise during your post-amputation recovery period. Sensory issues are important to know about because they could create discomfort, pain or even additional injuries.

Phantom pain

Johns Hopkins Medicine explains that almost all amputation patients experience phantom limbs. Basically, the nerves in your body still recall the existence of your missing part. As a result, you might feel that you still have your amputated limb despite its absence.

Worse, your nerves could trigger pain sensations, or phantom pain. Phantom pain can hurt severely. Your doctors might attempt procedures to treat the nerves during your amputation to reduce the chance of phantom pain or do so afterward.

Suffering a fall

Depending on what body part you lose, you might have a greater risk of falling. This could happen if you wake up and momentarily forget you have lost a foot or a leg. Without thinking about it, you attempt to step out of bed and end up falling. A phantom limb sensation may make this problem worse if you try to use a foot or arm that is not there for support.

Forms of therapy may help you to build a new sense of self and regain confidence. Given the kinds of recovery involved with amputation, you should take possible therapies into account if you pursue injury compensation from a negligent party.